Copyright DO’s and DON’T’s


  1. Published work may be presented in teaching. However, films etc. may not be displayed without the permission of the copyright holder.
  2. Photocopying (also applies to digital sources such as web printing): Up to 20 pages (but no more than half) per publication per semester per student. Not to be copied at all: work, training and answer books.
  3. Online content can be transmitted to a teaching group in a closed network such as Moodle. Permission does not apply to work, exercise and response books, domestic plays, music, moving images and computer programs.
  4. The Kopiosto copy license allows the use of texts and images for translation and compilation exercises as part of teaching. The license does not apply to learning materials.
  5. All educational institutions can record and show TV and YLE educational radio programs from YLE TV1, YLE TV2, YLE Fem, YLE Theme and MTV3, and YLE Radio; however, not movies, theatrical and recording films, foreign series and advertisements. In addition, Finnish TV shows are available from YLE Arena and the Living Archive.
  6. The teacher can show a website to a class, however, not moving images from the Internet except in the case of material subject to a teaching license (e.g. Finnish TV programs of Yle Arena and Live Archive) or marked with Creative Commons.
  7. The teacher can provide students with links to materials on the Web for students to look at by themselves (private use). However, the linking must be done in accordance with good practice; that is, the user has to understand that s/he is moving from one material to another.
  8. The content of social media can be considered to be published and therefore it can be presented in the context of teaching. Illegal material should never be used in teaching. In addition, privacy must be taken into account. By means or licenses, the copyright holder of the work authorizes its use. In this case, the teacher does not need to ask for permission to use the book separately.
  9. License: The most well-known open license is a Creative Commons (CC) license. The different CC licenses clearly state how you are allowed to use the materials and you do not need to separately contact the creator of materials.


  1. Don’t use items from unknown sources or where copyright cannot be ascertained!
  2. Don’t upload copies of copyright protected resources to Moodle!
  3. Don’t use randomly sourced images (e.g. from Google) in teaching materials without checking permissions!
  4. Don’t upload copies of articles and book excerpts onto Moodle without permission!
  5. Don’t scan even 20 Kopiosto-licensed pages and distribute these to a university class in a single course by posting them on a course platform that is not closed.
  6. Don’t copy workbooks, exercise books or answer books without checking permissions! (The Kopiosto-license does not grant you the right).
  7. Don’t charge students for handouts of Kopiosto-licensed materials.
  8. Don’t scan or copy single tables or images from a page of Kopiosto-licensed materials.
  9. Don’t assume that materials on the Internet are free to use if you don’t see the copyright sign©.
  10. Don’t show a YouTube video in class unless it has a creative common license or permission is otherwise explicitly stated.