Learning Outcomes
- to know more about a variety of digital tools that are available to assist them in their research
- to become aware of digital research communities online
- to have the courage /ability to enrol in a digital academic community if useful
- to be able to present findings in an informal setting
- to be able to reflect on students’ own digital skills relating to research and how they can develop/do they need to develop?
Ways of working and activities
Initial stage alone/online (out of classroom)
Secondary stage in pairs of small groups
Task: Find one digital tool that you use to help in your research and prepare a short presentation on it for your fellow students. Consider the following:
What added value does it give / what are the drawbacks?
What experiences have you had with it and would you recommend it to others?
Use these sites for suggestions or of your own choosing:
How are students supported?
Initial useful webpages given. Students can be supported online and later in the classroom.
What kind of feedback do students get as their work progresses on their own skills and the development of their skills?
Discussion in the lesson/online.
Online feedback if this is done outside the classroom
Link to student self-evaluation questionnaire ‘digital research’ section – for student reflection (see next section)
How does it end? What happens next? How is the learning process and experience discussed and reflected upon?
Student self-reflection
Dialogue with teacher and colleagues regarding next developmental steps